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Writer's pictureJuliette

What does your wedding month say about you?

I mean this really is just for fun! The month you get married does not mean that this is gospel, or that you are randier then the rest or more of a spendthrift - but sometimes having something fun to read in the midst of all the wedding planning, something light hearted, and easy to read - makes for an easy way to stop thinking about all the stress around us for 5 mins. I mean depending what you read, and what sources you choose to enlighten yourself with your morning cuppa -therefore it is all subjective, and much more for fun then anything else - I am going to pick what I think are the best bits of what is out there.

January Wedding

Apparently - according to January is for the faithful - those that marry in January are more faithful - and therefore less divorce! Garnet is the stone to wear or have on your ring - this offers purity, consistency and stabilty - which marries well with the less divorce I guess!

Luckiest dates to get married - 2nd,16th and 25th - I mean I didn't pick these lucky dates - but it's out there in the world that these are those dates.

'Married when the year is new, he'll be loving kind and true'


February Wedding

I mean - as a wedding planner, as a woman and as someone that knows what Valantines day is - I always thought that February was the month of love - it surely is one of our busiest months here in Koh Samui - however (loving their snippets of monthly marriage guides) say that those that marry in February are thriftiest - nothing romantic about that! However they say that is is more of a selfless kind of love, so there's the romance!

Lucky dates - 6th, 18th and 29th - and if your picking a gem then go for Amythyst, it offers tranquilty, clarity & wisdom

'Married in Februarys sleepy weather, Life, in time you will treat together'



March is for the domesticated, the homely folk, and for those who like their surprises to happen - whether good or bad - and apaprently could also be the couples who tend to be on the arguing side - as long as the making up is just as often!

Lucky dates - 14th, 16th & 23rd

For your stone - go for aquamarine - which also the doubles up as your something blue - this stone represents the enhancement of happiness in marriages!

'If you wed when March winds blow, joy and sorrow both you’ll know'



If you choose to marry in April - then it is said that this is for the adventurous and thrill seekers - life will always be full of fun and surprises. Spontanaity runs deep with the April couple. April also offer an opportunity for growth and and blossoming.

Diamond is your sparkler - for some the bigger the better - I do love a yellow fancy diamond or a raw black diamond, that makes my eyes shine with happiness!

Lucky dates - 2nd, 4th, 12th, 20th and 22nd

'Marry in April when you can, joy for Maiden and for Man'



It seems that couples marrying on this month have the highest sexual drive. That’s fine and all, however, it is also important to mix it up in the bedroom and outside that.

Considering on some sites you read - it is said to be not the luckiest of months to get married there are an awful lot of lucky dates!

3rd, 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 15th, 16th, 20th, 21st, 22th, 29th, and 30th.

Emerald is your stone of choice - stunning and everyone will be green with envy when you shine bright like an emerald

"Marry in May, rue the day,"



Getting married in June is associated with radiance and brightness - always filled with sunshiney days. June is named after the Roman goddess of marriage Juno- therefore every day in June is classed as a lucky day to get married - so you can't go wrong there! Roses would be your flower of choice and it is considered lucky to wear a pearl necklace on your wedding day if you are to be a June Bride.

It is know that most of our June couples will be spending their lives loving each other and taking good care of the love that blossomed between them.

'Marry when June roses grow, over land and sea you’ll go.'



This month is known to be influenced by the proudness of Leo the Lion. Your marriage will be blessed with a long-life. There is also fondness for luxury here.

Roby your rings up for this month of love - Rubies are said to protect your energy and gives you enthusiasm for life.

Lucky dates - 2nd, 16th, 24th, 31st

'Those who in July do wed, must labor for their daily bread.'



The couples marrying on this month have the biggest desire to breed. Apparently. They want to make big families that they can take care and love until they die. Also known as Romance awareness month!

Peridot is the stone for you and brings power to the wearer and healing properties to all those that have it.

Lucky dates - the first half of the month is all about the Leo's - filled with romance and passion, and the 2nd half for the Virgos - these couples love helping each other out - in every aspect they love to be of service to one another.

'Whoever wed in August be, many a change is sure to see.'



Getting married at this time of yours brings serenity to your marriage - and a certain smooth sailing along your marital path together. The free-spirited ones on this month choose to wed in the untraditional way. Because they are the open-minded types, fights rarely happen between these couples.

The Sapphire is the stone that you want for a September wedding, worn on your wedding day is said to protect those closest to you - it brings trust, loyalty, honesty & purity.

Lucky days - 1st, 9th, 16th, 18th, 28th

'Marry in September’s shrine, your living will be rich and fine.'



Getting married during this month - means you will have a marriage full of love. Their passion for the things they love doing is the most important for them so they aren’t much in a rush to really start a family yet. The sex for these couples are amazing and they treasure each other the most too.

October is loaded with the lucky days - 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 12th, 15th, 17th, 18th, 24th, 27th, 29th, 31st.

Opal is the choice of gemstone for you October couples - representing faith, hope and purity - Wear this gemstone on your wedding day as an emblem of hope for a healthy and lasting marriage.

'If in October you do marry, love will come but riches tarry.'



I mean here on the islands it is our rainy season - so finding a photo of a November wedding was not an easy task! We tend to shy away from them but let's see what the old internet has to say about getting married in November.

Contentment is what I could describe the couples on this month’s weddings. They are happy with what they have and don’t really care about what other people think of them and their choices. As long as they’re happy about their own decision, then that’s all that matters - Kudos to that I say!

Your stone is Topaz - meaning fidelity, focus, physical strength and stamina.

Lucky days - 5th, 20th and 27th

'If you wed in bleak November, only joys will come, remember.'



Getting a Christmas wedding is the epitome of sentimentality and warmth. It is one of my favourite months - both myself and my daughters birthdays are in this month - as was my Grandad's so it was always going to be a special month. Therefore I am going to pick some of my favourite dates - related to those I love in the month of Christmas and weddings.

Lucky days - 12th, 16th, 21st, 24th, 25, 27th, 29th and 31st

For the your stones - adorn your self with Onyx that bring powers of protection and strength.

'When December snows fall fast, marry and true love will last.'


Thank you for reading this little bit of silliness - sometimes it's nice to break it up from all that Wedmin that you got going on - because at the end of the day - life is about learning to laugh along this path we call marriage, having fun and finding something beautiful in every single day.


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1 Comment

Denisa K.
Denisa K.
Jul 09

We got hitched last November, on the 11th specifically because 11 is our lucky number. I mean, I was born in November too and hubby's name day is in that month as well, so November really holds a special meaning for us. It just felt right to tie the knot during such an important time. I also read about some spiritual signs that you are getting married soon and the number 1111 started to pop that's why chose November.

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